Tuesday, March 31, 2020

5th Grade Graduation, Snow Storm, Steel Magnolias, and a New Pup

And just like that, we have a middle-schooler. I’m trying to sort through my feelings about all of this, but one thing is for sure...they need to come up with a waterproof mascara created specifically for moms at graduations. šŸ˜‰ I’m so proud of our sweet Emma.  We love you, Turtle! šŸ¢

Last May I got to go to a theater viewing of my favorite movie of all time- Steel Magnolias, and it was perfection. Very few movies make me ugly cry and laugh hysterically in the same breath. I loved all the 80’s styles on the big screen. It was a good reminder that “time marches on, and eventually it marches across your face.”

For my birthday we rescued this precious dachshund. She’s 9 years old and recovering from having breast tumors removed. She’s tired, but healthy now. I feel like she’s my spirit animal. We are a couple of tough old broads.

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