Monday, April 29, 2013

Sweet Springtime

We have been surviving a wintry Spring.  But this weekend spoiled us with three straight days of sunshiny, 70 degree bliss.  There is nothing better than getting outside and sinking your hands into some dirt.
But first, I have to share one of my favorite Lyla-isms.  She has been needing a lot of baths lately.  She's a messy girl!  I don't remember Emma and Ben covering themselves with food during each meal to the extreme that she does.  It's gotten so bad that I usually strip her down before she eats and hose her off in the kitchen sink after.  But every once in a while, the mess requires a full-fledged bath.  Thankfully she LOVES baths!  I think one of the reasons she gets so filthy is because she knows it will inevitably get her in the tub.  Once she's in the bath, she immediately squirms her way out of my grip and rests her chubby body on the floor of the tub so that she can sway her head back and forth, swishing her hair in the water.  This makes her laugh hysterically.  She has to stop occasionally to scratch her ears because her hair tickles them.  But it makes her so happy.  And that makes me happy.
Anyway- back to Spring.  With the gorgeous weather, we couldn't fathom shutting ourselves up in the house all weekend, regardless of the 6 loads of laundry waiting to be folded, and floors that needed scrubbing.  Instead we worked in the yard, went flower shopping, and spent the afternoon at Fox Run.  After the park, we headed over to Doug and Christy's to celebrate my Dad's and Jessica's Birthdays.  The next afternoon was spent riding bikes and exploring nature.  We are all ready for Spring. 
Unfortunately, snow is in the forecast later this week.  Sigh.


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