Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Trenton and I came home from church one Sunday a couple months ago to a pipe that had burst in our living room. Needless to say, there was damage in the bathroom, living room walls, and the garage ceiling. I'll spare you the gory details and let the images speak for themselves.

One of our biggest fears was realized when we found mold. That's when I decided to pack the kids up and enjoy an evening with my family.

Each time we peeled another layer, there seemed to be more damage we weren't anticipating. With the help of Laurie and Darrel, Trenton replaced all the piping in that bathroom, but what was a simple, burst pipe became a brand spankin' new bathroom from the floor up.

I am so thankful for a handy husband and family that is so willing to dive in and get their hands dirty. And thank you to our friends and family that loaned us the necessary tools to get the job done.

Janet, Trenton, Emma, and Ben

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