Thursday, February 25, 2010

Valentine's Day

We had a very love filled Valentine's Day this year. There were many times where I had to literally put my hand over my heart because I felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest.

My babies make me so happy.

See why Emma maintains the nickname "Turtle?"
Valentine's breakfast...
Valentine's Dinner...

My babies have the blessing of being able to visit with both sets of grandparents at least once a week and several of their cousins and aunts and uncles almost as often. In addition to their biological sets of grandparents they have Grandpa Mike and Grandma Julie and even Mama and Papa Foote (Shannon's in-laws). My mom has one sister, and my dad has one brother and they both live on the other side of the country. I've only met my only surviving Grandma 4 times-that I can remember. I never had such relationships with my extended relatives and I am so excited that my children will. We miss and love those of you that we don't get to see as often and I am sending much love to Iowa, Nebraska, Ohio, Utah, Arizona, Georgia (and everywhere else our loved ones live).

Benny Baby is 6 months old! He is 17 lbs. 3 oz and 26 1/2 inches long. He sits up unassisted, rocks back and forth on his hands and knees (life, as I know it, is about to end) and is eating a yummy variety of food now. He's got eyes like a hawk and loves watching his big sister. They both entertain each other, which is entertaining to us. Emma is 26 months old now and spends her days talking my ear off and playing with her kitchen. She is saying full-on sentences, knows her colors, is learning her numbers, and says her ABC's like this: ABCFGLOPRSUV Next time won't you sing with me? She LOVES nursery and her favorite song is "Child" (I Am a Child of God). She is also enjoying going to dance every Friday. Her newest, funny word that she learned is "REEK." As in, "Daddy-it reeks in here... like poop!"

This was left on my table by the bottom of a Tupperware lid.

Trenton and Tad tore our deck down on Saturday. We had been dreaming of replacing our deck with composite since we bought this house and are finally able to do it. Trenton and anyone else we can get to help are going to build a new deck. I'm so excited!

Here is what's left of our old deck. Good times were had on those scraps of wood.

Anyway-that's what has been happening in our zoo. Hope you're all doing well and looking forward to warmer weather soon.

Janet, Trenton, Emma, and Ben

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