Saturday, March 27, 2021

Cali 2020

Trenton had a work trip on Coronado Island and I tagged along for fun.  He worked late into the evening each night, so I was basically on vacation by myself.  I had so many fun things planned, but unfortunately I was recovering from some mystery flu (which I'm pretty sure was actually the bubonic plague).  So my vacation mostly consisted of sleeping and Netflix binging in my cozy socks.  I will say that being at sea level in the sunshine definitely helped my sick lungs.  I thoroughly enjoyed exploring beautiful Coronado and tasting their local treats, including the best enchilada soup, panna cotta gelatto, and authentic street tacos.  Being alone gave me the time and freedom I needed to pay attention to and wrestle with some emotions I usually bury with busyness.  I spent the entire day on the beach, not moving for hours, and I feel like regained some sanity I didn't even know I had lost.  I'm so thankful for the creation of this incredible earth and the honor of living on it and enjoying its beauty.  The cherry on top of this relaxing trip was celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary (a couple months early) and Valentine's Day at Disneyland.  It was so fun running around all day like kids...without our kids.

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