Monday, February 16, 2015

Sand Creek Art Expo

Emma and Ben were both selected to have their art displayed at the high school this past weekend for the district art fair. Emma's assignment was to paint a powerful Native American warrior of her choice. So she painted a MOTHER! That's my girl.  Ben created a beautiful fish in his favorite color- red.  I love his attention to detail.  When we got to the expo, their art teacher approached us and explained how special it really was that they were both chosen.  I guess they only chose two pieces of art from each class for the whole school district, so to have both of my kids entered is pretty awesome.  Definitely a proud mommy moment.  The expo had all sorts of games, food, and activities for the kids.  At one point, Emma turned around and there was an entire table of magazines to cut up, every type of glue you could imagine, stickers, markers, paint, and a rainbow of paper.  Her face was classic-  these people...this was her utopia.  Lyla and Ben were just as excited as they cut, and pasted, and painted, and created.  I love these little people.


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